Glossary and Acronyms/Short Terms

On this page you will find a brief list of terms and short definitions

Acronyms and Short Terms


LX is an acronym or term used to address the lighting team or operator


An acronym that means General Power Outlet. It is used to describe a standard local powerpoint.

General Terms


A term used to address or describe the person who is using a console or device to control something else such as lights, sound equipment or a flying piece of sceney.

Front of House (FOH)

This is a term used to describe anything in front of the proscenium arch or in the auditorium and sometimes the staff that work there.


A fixture is a term used to refer to a theatrical light


A fixture is a term used to describe a light that is powered by an old fassioned light bulb.


An analog item is a device that uses either 240v to communicate or is a simple light with control over only the brightness


The term used to describe how bright a light is


A Cyclorama is a large white drape that hangs at the back of the stage. This drape can usually be coloured by lights to suit the mood or setting of a scene.


A gobo is a small peice of material (usually thin metal) that has cutouts in it that light can shine through in a light, this causes the cutout shape to be displayed where the light is pointing.